
Today, everyone is all too well aware of the emphasis placed on ‘Rights and Responsibilities’. As a director of a Resident Management Company you too will be aware of the responsibilities and the degrees of risk this position holds. There are wide reaching statutory obligations to be met to ensure your protection from prosecution. These range from sections in the new Companies Act to demonstrate your freedom from conflicts of interest, to liabilities under Health and Safety legislation and even to protect you from potential allegations of corporate manslaughter. Acting as a director of a resident management company can indeed be an onerous task. It can also be both complex and time consuming.

BPM Ltd have over 20 years operations in the management of residential properties and dealing with resident management companies. Our services include provision of company secretarial duties, organisation of Companies House accounts submission requirements and Health & Safety arrangements – all of which are requirements under statute.
The position of director of a Resident Management Company is normally a voluntary one. Your dedicated property manager will work in close consultation with the director or directors in providing advice and receiving instruction to ensure that all statutory requirements are followed. Why not let us take on some of the worry and pressure of these time consuming tasks? You can claim back some of your valuable time to dedicate to more effective use.